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Seminars, Tournaments, Black Belt testing… it’s been a busy summer!

As usual, this time of year has been full of Kuk Sool Won events and travel for us.

On the last weekend in April, Rachel Jo Kyo Nim and I traveled to St. Louis, MO for the World Kuk Sool Association Midwest Tournament. As instructors often do at tournaments, we participated in an official capacity. […]

Midwest Tournament 2010

I attended the Midwest Kuk Sool Won tournament, which was held in St. Louis last month.


Mark Your Calendars

Here are important dates for Kuk Sool Won events throughout the rest of 2010 that I’ll be attending and you may be interested in attending.


Report from Houston Tournament 2009

As I mentioned in my previous post, I attended the Kuk Sool Won tournament Houston, TX which took place last month.


Houston Tournament Next Month

The headquarters of the World Kuk Sool Association is just outside Houston, TX. Our Grandmaster lives there, and there are many other Kuk Sool schools in the area. Every fall, they hold a tournament in the Houston area. There are other tournaments in different locations throughout the year, but the Houston tournament tends to be […]